Individual comprehensive assessments are provided based on each child’s needs. The child is evaluated using standardized assessments when appropriate and clinical observations. Questionnaires and interviews with caregivers and other professionals are also completed. The information is synthesized to identify the child’s strengths and weaknesses to determine the need for therapeutic intervention and to develop a treatment plan.

Therapy is based on the philosophy that children learn best by being actively involved. We strive to provide family or child centered therapy, treating the child as a whole. Therapists create the “just-right” challenge using purposeful, fun and goal-directed activities designed to facilitate the child’s growth and development. To the untrained eye, sessions can sometimes be confused as a therapist “just playing” with the child, but in fact, we use play as a powerful tool in our sessions.

Family Education and Consultation
Family members and caregivers are encouraged to be actively involved in treatment planning, goal setting, and direct therapy. Therapists work with the family and care-givers to develop ways of incorporating treatment strategies into daily routines in the home or at school. In order to ensure an integrated treatment plan, therapists consult with and educate other therapists, teachers, physicians and psychologists.

School based therapy services
Therapy in Action is a certified Non Public Agency (NPA) with the California Department of Education (CDE) and has provided occupational and physical therapy services to students from a wide range of schools and districts. We provide on campus school services, clinic based school services and virtual services. Additionally, our therapists are qualified experts to complete Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE).
If you are interested in contracting with Therapy In Action to provide school based services or IEE assessments, please email: info@therapyinaction.com.